Twenty two years after Darwin's death, Rutherford said in a lecture that the age of the earth is
several billion years, which is far older than Kelvin's estimate, because the cooling off period of
the earth was prolonged by the thermal radiation of some radioactive isotope.
Lord Kelvin, who was dozing at the lecture, woke up, stood up and glared fiercely at Rutherford.
Darwin's honor was retrieved at this point, but Jastrow states that nothing at this stage proved
the miracle caused by the evolution.
The sequel of the evolution story is given in John Gribbin's “In Search of the Double Helix.”
Mendel, who was a contemporary of Darwin, discovered the laws of heredity. He was regarded
only as a queer biologist using mathematics and as a plain priest was not as popular as Darwin.
It was not until in 1900 that Mendel was revaluated and genetics developed.
Ironically, Mendel's laws of heredity struck a blow at Derwin's established theory of evolution
a conflict of the slow change advocated by Darwin and the drastic change by Mendel.
The theories of Darwin and Mendel were in accord when studied proved that the small changes
of genes and spontaneous mutation had a common meaning.
Scientists who were encouraged by a negative assertion presented by some philosopher in the
middle of 1970's said that“the selected survive,” i.e., the theory of evolution, is tautology and
is not a scientific theory that can be verified.
Scientists prepared an exclusive genealogical chart using quantum physics, molecular biology,
a molecular clock, and mathematics to indicate that the theory evolution is a hypothesis that can
be verified. John Gribbin tells us about a grand story of evolution explaining to genetics, quantum
mechanics, and molecule biology.
Among those who appear in his story is Stephen J. Gould, a paleontologist who advocates
Puncture equilibrium theory.
Gould is better known and popular for a series of science essays than his theory. Gould frankly says
that he has been fighting against cancer in his book. He also says “all I could do was to appeal to
God 'not yet, Lord, not yet now,”I want to see just one or two beautiful stones in the fertility, as I
cannot live 100 times.(translation from the Japanese book).”His beautiful baroque composition is
not the only thing that moves me.
He makes us understand providence of nature in an intelligent and humorous tone.
His essays are indeed interesting and persuasive.

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